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GOLDDOTT for hens of egg breeds (productive period)

Article number: 96018
Appearance: granule 3,2 mm
Bag: 25 kg, 40 kg, MKR
Expiration date: 3 months

The use of balanced GOLDDOTT compound feed allows the formation of a healthy digestive tract from the first days of a chicken’s life, as well as improving the safety, obtaining the standard live weight of the bird, increasing the uniformity of the livestock, and improving feed conversion.


Raw Protein16.5 %
Calcium3.3 %
Phosphorus usv.0.43 %
Lysine0.80 %
Methionine + Cystine0.7 %
Threonine0.55 %
Exchange Energy11.3 mJ

Important components

Wheat, corn, soybean meal, vegetable oil, limestone meal, premix, enzyme, antioxidant and other ingredients.

*not a public offer

The manufacturer reserves the right, without prior notice, to make changes to the composition and nutritional properties of complete feed and concentrates. not worsening their properties, in order to improve the characteristics of the Goods.
This is not a disadvantage.

Recommendations for feeding

125-135 gr per day per head.

Benefits of GOLDDOTT for laying hens

  • Optimum content of carbohydrates and easily digestible fats

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