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For chickens

Start GOLDDOTT for hens of egg breeds (1-7 weeks)
Growth GOLDDOTT for hens of egg breeds (8-14 weeks)
GOLDDOTT for hens of egg breeds (productive period)
BMVK Economix 2/44 for hens of egg breeds 5%

Mixed feed for birds

The feed mill of the German agra holding AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG offers to buy mixed feed for birds on favorable terms, with delivery to many regions. In this section of the catalog you will find a diverse range of high–quality products for poultry nutrition throughout the entire life cycle – from chicks to adult chickens.

We offer several compound feed for birds

The granulated compound feed from our production meets high quality standards and provides 100% of the daily need of the poultry body for nutrients.

We produce compound feed for birds:

  • Complete feed for chickens of all types and ages.
  • Starter compound feeds for turkeys.
  • Economy and Premium class products.

A properly selected diet from the first days of a chick’s life makes it possible to form healthy digestive organs, improve immunity and increase the uniformity of the livestock. Our consultants will help you choose compound feed for broilers and laying hens, taking into account the characteristics of your poultry farm, housing conditions, breed and age of birds.

Quality of poultry feed

  • Compound feed for chickens, laying hens and broilers is balanced in terms of the content of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and easily digestible fats.
  • The feed is produced according to unique branded recipes, using granulation technology. We supply premixes directly from suppliers from Germany.
  • The composition of each type of product is enriched with vitamins and mineral components for the health and development of poultry.
  • Exclusively high-quality protein sources with a full amino acid composition are used.
  • The dosage of the components is strictly regulated and tested in the laboratory. Recipes and ingredients are calculated by a computer system according to the nutritional value of the ingredients.
  • The plant is fully automated, equipped with its own laboratory complex, has warehouses of raw materials and finished products.
  • All products comply with international quality standards and undergo strict control at all stages of production, storage and transportation.
  • The finished products of the plant are certified according to GMP standards and have ISO quality certificates.

Buying compound feed from the manufacturer, you pay a fair price for a high-quality product. We offer the purchase of first-class feed wholesale on the most favorable terms, with delivery by our transport to all regions of the country.

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