8 800 700 78 22- sales department
8 (86544) 6-72-55- for general questions
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Successful business with Agravis Raiffeisen Agro!

The well-known European concern AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG invites you to become our partner in the sale of animal feed. We cooperate with representatives from all regions of our country and even beyond its borders.

High-quality feed is in great demand both in large livestock complexes and poultry farms, and in farms of various levels. After all, competent feeding of animals with complete feed, special products, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates made according to German technology significantly increases their productivity, which has a positive effect on increasing the final profit.

What do we offer?

  • Discounts for large quantities.
  • Organization of brand advertising campaigns.
  • Participation in industry regional exhibitions.
  • Zootechnical advice from qualified specialists.
  • Providing feed samples for presentations.
  • Feeding instructions.
  • Recommendations for the development of individual recipes.

By becoming our partner, you will not only expand the sales market for Agravis products, but also receive guaranteed sources of income on an ongoing basis.

Our specialists are constantly improving their professionalism, multiplying the valuable experience of Agravis.

So, if you want to buy compound feed wholesale and retail, you can be sure that farm animals and poultry will receive a balanced and safe diet. Moreover, regardless of the conditions in which they are grown – households, farms or industrial and economic complexes.

The result will exceed your expectations!

For questions about the purchase of products, order a call back on the company’s website. Our managers will immediately call you back and advise on all issues.

We are waiting for your requests – we look forward to long-term cooperation!

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