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How to increase the milk yield of a cow?


When the task is to increase the milk yield of a cow, it should be remembered about the four most important factors affecting milk productivity:

  1. Breed and heredity. You should choose a calf of the “dairy” breed, born from a healthy bull.
  2. The age of the cow. The animal needs to be fully formed, especially the digestive system, to gain the necessary mass. The cow begins to give the most balanced milk in terms of nutrients and trace elements only after two or three calves. Although young cows have a higher percentage of fat content in milk.
  3. The season is seasonality. In the cold season, milk yields are lower than in the warm season. This is due to the fact that a large amount of energy is spent on maintaining the right body temperature. At the same time, the activity of the cow is extremely important, so even in winter, the animal needs to move, as well as in summer. To increase milk yield from cows in the cold season, it is necessary to provide animals with a warm, well-ventilated and illuminated cowshed, outdoor walks.
  4. Caring for the cow and caring for the animal. In order for milk yields to be at a high level, a cow needs good care and a caring attitude. This is expressed in a balanced diet in the right amount, grazing in the fresh air, proper milking. And also to exclude stressful situations, since cows are capable of experiencing fear and aggression, and this reduces milk productivity.

In addition to the fundamental principles observed when solving the problem of increasing milk yields, there are additional techniques:

  • Balanced cow nutrition is the key to success in increasing milk productivity. The diet of a pet should include coarse feed (hay); juicy feed (green grass, silage or, for example, beetroot); grain feed (grain, cake). Do not forget that the diet should include animal products: fish meal, meat flour, whey.
    Special feed additives help to balance the cow’s diet. The feed additive lizunets CRYSTALYX with a scientifically proven effect helps to solve a whole range of problems with the nutrition of cattle. Advantages of the CRYSTALYX lizun:

    • THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-FEEDING! Animals consume as much as they need.
    • Residual moisture in CRYSTALYX lizunts 2-3%
    • The unique production technology allows you to achieve the maximum hardness of the block, which allows animals ONLY to LICK. (reduced consumption)
    • Use under any conditions of keeping (Stable, pasture)
    • Increases salivation in animals
    • Increases the digestibility and digestibility of the main feed, without displacing it
    • Increases the number of bacteria in the rumen
    • Prevents the appearance of ketosis and acidosis in cattle
    • Increases the average daily weight gain
    • Increases milk yield of cow
    • Accelerates cow recovery after calving, compensates for lost energy
    • CRYSTALYX contains more energy than other mineral blocks
    • Increases fertility
    • Reduces the number of unproductive days and insemination costs
    • Eliminates fluctuations in quality indicators in the main feed
    • Chemical hardeners are not used in the production.
    • Laboratory and field studies are constantly conducted in the USA and Europe.
  • Udder massage. Proper massage movements before milking cause an influx of milk, help reduce the risks of stagnation and the development of mastitis.
  • Milking on schedule. With strict observance of the frequency of milking, the cow’s body “adjusts” to produce milk in the maximum amount, knowing that at a certain time all the milk will be milked.

The above are fairly simple and understandable principles of animal care that will help increase milk yield from a cow.

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