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Compound feed Start for poultry: composition, price, how to feed


Compound feed Start is providing an optimal balanced diet for:

  • chickens;
  • broiler chickens;
  • poults;
  • ducklings;
  • chicks of another poultry.

Advantages of ready mixed fodder Start

  1. good health and immunity of the livestock, reducing the risk of spreading diseases;
  2. ease of feeding – no need to spend time and resources on making the mixture yourself;
  3. rationality of feed use – saving on reducing the waste of uneaten mash;
  4. optimal height and weight of birds in this age group;
  5. Convenience of distribution of feed according to the norms.

Start compound feed

Ready-made mixed feed Start has a specially designed composition and grinding for the first period of growth and development of chicks immediately after birth. The food is easy to digest and assimilate. For chicks of different poultry, the composition of the feed will be different.

Start compound feed for chickens composition

Grain component: wheat, corn.

High protein enriched component: soybean meal, fish meal, limestone meal, vegetable oil, AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG premix, enzyme, antioxidant and other ingredients.

Compound feed Start for chickens contains: crude protein – 19.5%; calcium – 1.1%; phosphorus – 0.8%; sodium – 0.18%; chlorine – 0.18%; lysine 1.1%; methionine + cystine – 1.1%; tryptophan – 0.2%. Metabolic energy – 12.1 mJ.

Compound feed Start for broiler chickens composition

Grain component: wheat, corn.

High protein enriched component: soybean meal, fish meal, limestone meal, vegetable oil, AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG premix, enzyme, antioxidant and other ingredients.

compound feed Start for broiler chickens contains: crude protein – 23.0%; fiber – 2.9%; calcium – 0.96%; phosphorus – 0.69%; sodium – 0.19%; chlorine – 0.20%; lysine 1.14%; methionine + cystine – 1.05%; threonine – 0.95%. Metabolic energy – 12.5 mJ.

Start compound feed for turkey poults composition

Grain component: wheat, corn.

High protein enriched component: soybean meal, fish meal, limestone meal, vegetable oil, AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG premix, enzyme, antioxidant and other ingredients.

Compound feed Start for turkeys contains: crude protein – 28.0%; calcium – 1.75%; phosphorus – 1.35. Metabolic energy – 11.5 mJ.

Compound feed Start for ducklings composition

Grain component: wheat, corn.

High protein enriched component: soybean meal, grass meal, limestone meal, vegetable oil, AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG premix, enzyme, antioxidant and other ingredients.

Compound feed Start for ducklings contains: crude protein – 21.4%; calcium – 1.25%; phosphorus – 0.8%; sodium – 0.15%; chlorine – 0.20%; lysine 1.02%; methionine – 0.5%; tryptophan – 0.26%; threonine – 0.75%, crude fat – 2.33%. Metabolic energy – 12 mJ.

How to feed Start poultry with compound feed

It should be noted that ready-made food Start should be used in strict accordance with the age of 0-7 weeks old chicks. Such food may be the only component of the diet with unlimited access to drinking water. It is permissible to supplement feeding with wet mixers and grass.

Daily dose of feed per head: 1st week 10-20 gr.; 2nd week 20-40 gr.; 3rd week 40-60 gr.; 4th week 60-80 gr. From the fifth week, the chick can eat 115-125 gr., meat breeds of birds require up to 170 grams of feed.

Frequency of feeding per day: 0-5 days 6-8 feedings; 1-2 weeks 4 feedings; starting from 3 weeks of age, two meals a day are enough.

Do-it-yourself compound feed

Some farmers, wanting to save money, prepare their own mash for chicks. A common recipe: corn grain, wheat grain, fish meal, meat and bone meal, sunflower cake, chalk, antibiotic Eriprim BT.

All ingredients are passed through a “crusher” for the desired grinding and thorough mixing.

The disadvantages are: the need to have a room of sufficient size to store all the components of the feed, the availability of grinding equipment, the time spent on cooking.

Start feed price

The price of Start feed will be profitable if you buy feed directly from the manufacturer. Feed plant Raiffeisen Agro Concern AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG is the largest manufacturer and supplier of ready-made compound feed Start throughout the Stavropol Territory, the North Caucasus Federal District, the Krasnodar Territory and the Southern Federal District as a whole.

Feeds have high quality standards and a favorable price for large, medium and small poultry farms. Factory and retail stores available Purchase large and small wholesale quantities of feed. To order Start feed, just contact the sales department by phone or by ordering a call on the website.

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