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Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts on March 8 dear Ladies!!!
On International Women’s Day, we wish you eternal beauty, undoubted female happiness, incredible joy in life, indestructible success in business, undoubted good luck on the way, an extraordinary miracle and magic.
Do-it-yourself compound feed in poultry farming
Do-it-yourself compound feed in poultry farming – pros and cons! The main motive for making compound feed with your own hands is an attempt to reduce the cost of feed. To prepare a grain mixture for poultry with their own hands, farmers usually use the following ingredients: wheat...
Compound feed Stavropol Territory
Mixed feed in the Stavropol Territory in Novoaleksandrovsk is produced by the German concern AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG in Russia Raiffeisen Agro LLC. It is a huge industrial area with production facilities, equipment and certified technologies. All processes are automated and accurate. Modern equipment of a compound feed plant...
Compound feed for quails
What to feed quails at different stages of their life and growth is a frequently asked question, especially from beginner poultry farmers. Quail in nature feeds on the remains of cereals, grass, berries, i.e. to everything he finds. When a person breeds this bird at home, compound feed...
Invitation to the XXIV international specialized trade and industrial exhibition ...
XXIV international specialized trade and industrial exhibition MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 29 to 31 January 2019 We invite you to visit the booth of Raiffeisen Agro LLC at the exhibition Farm Expo with 29 to 31 January 2019. We look forward to meeting you and your specialists!
International exhibition of equipment, feed and veterinary products for livestoc ...
International exhibition of equipment, feed and veterinary products for livestock and poultry 24 – 26 October 2018 We invite you to visit the booth of Raiffeisen Agro LLC at the Ferma Expo exhibition from 24 to 26 October. We look forward to meeting you and your specialists.
Compound feed for turkeys
Complete specialized compound feed for broiler turkeys is the best option for feeding poultry. Complete compound feed (PK marking) means that it contains everything necessary for an animal or bird, except for water, nothing else needs to be added to it when feeding. Features of compound feed for...
Compound feed for laying hens
Before you buy laying hens, you should study the necessary information on how to keep and feed them. Adequate and balanced nutrition will help your laying hens develop and grow quickly and fully, so that the output is a quality product. To date, granulated feed contains all the...
How to buy compound feed in Stavropol
Buy compound feed in Stavropol You can buy compound feed in Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory using the services of the online store of Raiffeisen Agro LLC. We offer our clients: a wide range of combined feeds for various animal species; acceptable prices; quality service, advice, assistance in...
How to buy compound feed in Volgograd
Buy compound feed in Volgograd You can buy compound feed in Volgograd by contacting the services of the Raiffeisen Agro LLC plant. Just call the phone number corresponding to your region, request a call back from our managers, or write us an e-mail. Competent consultants will answer any...
How to buy compound feed in Astrakhan
Buy compound feed in Astrakhan Mixed feed in Astrakhan is in consistently high demand among livestock and agricultural businesses. But finding safe, high-quality, affordable compound pet food is becoming increasingly difficult. The Raiffeisen Agro LLC plant is engaged in the production of natural balanced feed for various types...
How to buy compound feed in Krasnodar
Buy compound feed in Krasnodar If you want to buy compound feed in Krasnodar from the Raiffeisen Agro plant, you can do this in our online store by contacting our managers: by phone number for your region; by writing an email. We carry out wholesale and retail sales...
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