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The productivity of dairy cattle in the Kochubeevsky district increased by 34% this wintering


According to the Acting Head of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Administration of the Kochubeevsky Municipal District Natalya Voroshilova, wintering 2016-2017. in the farms of the Kochubeevsky district takes place in the normal mode. Milk yield per feed cow per day is 22.1 kg. For the wintering of livestock, the necessary amount of feed was prepared, 34 centners of feed units per 1 conditional head. The productivity of dairy cattle increased by 34% compared to the same period last year and is 2351 kg per cow. Gross milk production amounted to 8251 tons, which is 2033 tons higher than the level of wintering in 2015-2016 (+ 32.8%), meat production (growing) for 4 months of wintering amounted to 24315 tons, which is 4845 tons more than the same period last year ( +25%.

The Kochubeevsky district is among the territories of the Stavropol Territory where animal husbandry is developing steadily. SPK collective farm-stud farm “Kazminsky”, LLC “Kolkhoz-stud farm named after Chapaev”, SPK collective farm-stud farm “Kuban” are regional leaders in milk production. These enterprises use modern technologies for keeping and feeding animals, which ensures such good economic results, – said Vladimir Sitnikov, Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory.

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