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For large farms

Novoaleksandrovsky feed mill “AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AGRO” offers the development of individual animal feeding programs, taking into account the specifics of running a single farm.

When developing individual programs, the following is taken into account:

  • Feeding specifics.
  • Conditions for keeping animals and birds.
  • Improved manufacturing techniques.
  • Optimizing the microclimate parameters of utility rooms.

How we work:

  • Before developing a program for individual feeding and management of animals, our specialists first conduct a thorough analysis of the farm.
  • Fodder base, feeding ration, health and conditions of animal rearing are taken into account.
  • We advise on veterinary topics.
  • Based on the results of all studies, we select an individual feeding program that corresponds to the specifics of this farm, providing maximum economic benefits and achieving the desired goals.

Our principles:

  • We use compound feed based on basic recipes, standards in accordance with GOST.
  • We develop a personal recipe for a particular farm.
  • We follow the rules for the address storage of each batch of raw materials, in order to avoid mixing with other types of feed. This principle allows you to achieve the production of compound feed in strict accordance with the recipe.
  • Exploring new foods on experimental farms.
  • Finding new budget feeding options.
  • Our raw materials are fully HACCP compliant.
  • All ingredients are laboratory controlled to ensure their safety and quality.


  • A noticeable reduction in the cost of feed and finished products.
  • Reduce human involvement by optimizing and automating production processes.
  • Increase in live weight, increase in livestock, high immune status of farmed animals and birds.
  • As for poultry farming, there is a noticeable decrease in technological losses of eggs due to good shell density, a decrease in the amount of dirt, and an increase in the taste of eggs.

We produce delicious compound feed – animals and birds eat it with appetite, and the result will not be long in coming.

We are always open to our partners and ready to give valuable recommendations on the selection and adjustment of feeding.

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